Why WordPress Not Sending Email: Troubleshooting Guide 

You’re not alone if you’ve encountered the frustrating issue of WordPress not sending email. Several factors can contribute to this problem, ranging from misconfigurations to server issues. Let’s delve into the root causes and solutions. 


Email communication remains a cornerstone of our personal and professional lives in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or simply someone with a WordPress website, the ability to send emails is essential for reaching out to your audience, clients, or subscribers. However, frustration can quickly set in if you’ve found yourself in a situation where your WordPress website is not sending emails as expected. 

Fear not, for you are not alone in facing this common challenge. WordPress, a widely used content management system renowned for its flexibility and ease of use, sometimes encounters hiccups regarding email functionality. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore why WordPress might fail to send emails and provide practical solutions to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted flow of communication from your website. 

Server Configuration 

When you encounter issues with WordPress not sending email, one of the primary areas to investigate is your server configuration. WordPress relies on a robust server setup to ensure seamless email functionality. Here, we delve into the intricacies of server configuration and the possible reasons behind your email troubles. 

SMTP Settings Misconfiguration 

SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is at the heart of WordPress email functionality. This protocol manages the process of sending emails from your website. A common culprit for email troubles is a misconfiguration of your SMTP settings. Ensure that your SMTP server name, port, and encryption method are correctly set up. A small mistake in these settings can often lead to email delivery issues. 

Hosting Provider Restrictions 

Your hosting provider plays a crucial role in email delivery. To combat spam, many hosting providers impose restrictions on email sending. These limitations can include daily or hourly email limits. If you exceed these limits, your emails may not be delivered. Be aware of your hosting provider’s email-sending restrictions, and if necessary, consider upgrading to a premium plan with higher email quotas. 

Email Blacklisting 

Servers can sometimes find themselves on email blacklists due to suspicious activities. If your server’s IP address is blacklisted, it can lead to email delivery failures. To check if your server is blacklisted, you can use online tools and services like MXToolbox or WhatIsMyIPAddress. If you find your server on a blacklist, follow the steps to request removal. This action can significantly improve your email deliverability. 

WordPress Plugins and Themes 

If you’re grappling with the perplexing issue of WordPress not sending emails, it’s time to turn our attention to another potential source of trouble: WordPress plugins and themes. These integral elements of your WordPress site can sometimes clash or become outdated, causing disruptions in your email delivery. Here, we’ll delve into these potential culprits and explore ways to address them. 

Conflicting Plugins 

WordPress is known for its extensive library of plugins, each designed to enhance your website’s functionality. However, the downside of this versatility is that some plugins may not play well together. Incompatibility between plugins can disrupt email functionality. To identify the conflicting plugins, you must deactivate them individually while checking if your email issue is resolved. Once pinpointing the problem plugin, consider searching for alternatives or contacting its developer for support. 

Outdated Themes 

Your WordPress theme is the visual backbone of your website, dictating its appearance and layout. However, using outdated themes can lead to issues with email sending. Developers regularly release updates to address bugs, security vulnerabilities, and compatibility issues. If your theme falls behind in updates, it may not integrate seamlessly with other components of your WordPress site, including email functionality. Ensure you use your chosen theme’s latest version to minimize potential conflicts. 

Email Configuration 

When you’re grappling with the frustrating issue of WordPress not sending emails, it’s essential to consider the intricacies of your email configuration. How your WordPress site is set up to handle emails can significantly impact its ability to deliver messages effectively. Let’s dive into the realm of email configuration and explore the possible reasons behind your email woes. 

Invalid Email Addresses 

An often overlooked aspect of email issues is the correctness of your email addresses. Ensure the sender and recipient email addresses are valid and correctly formatted. Simple typos or errors in email addresses can lead to email-sending failures. A meticulous review of the email addresses can save you from unnecessary email hassles. 

Email Queue 

WordPress typically uses a queue system to manage outgoing emails. Sometimes, emails can get stuck in this queue for various reasons, causing delays or failure in sending. To resolve this issue, you can manually clear the email queue, ensuring that pending emails are released for delivery. This straightforward step can often alleviate email troubles. 

Content-related Issues 

When faced with the perplexing issue of WordPress not sending emails, it’s crucial to explore content-related factors that might be contributing to the problem. Email content, including its structure, quality, and adherence to best practices, can significantly impact delivery success. Here, we delve into the potential content-related issues and offer insights to help you overcome email-sending challenges. 

SPAM Content 

One of the most common reasons for email delivery problems is the presence of spammy content within your emails. Spammy content includes excessive use of specific keywords, suspicious links, or other elements that trigger spam filters. To improve your email deliverability, ensure that your email content is informative, relevant, and free from components that might be flagged as spam. Using spam checker tools can assist in identifying potential issues. 

Attachment Size 

Sending emails with large attachments can lead to sending failures. Many email servers and clients have limitations on how many attachments they can handle. Optimize your attachments by compressing or resizing them to avoid email delivery issues. Alternatively, consider using external file-sharing services to deliver large files while keeping your emails lightweight. 

Sending Frequency 

Sending too many emails quickly can trigger spam filters and result in emails not being delivered. It’s essential to manage your email-sending frequency to avoid this issue. Implement a well-thought-out email schedule to distribute messages evenly over time, ensuring a higher chance of successful delivery. 

Solutions for WordPress Email Issues 

If you’re grappling with the frustrating issue of WordPress not sending emails, it’s crucial to explore practical solutions that can help you overcome this challenge. Email functionality is essential for communication with your audience, clients, or subscribers, and resolving these issues promptly is vital. This section will provide you with actionable solutions to common WordPress email problems. 

Diagnosing and Addressing WordPress Email Issues 

Double-Check SMTP Settings: 

As discussed earlier, SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) settings are at the core of your email delivery system. Review your SMTP settings to ensure they are correctly configured. Verify the server name, port, encryption method, and authentication details. Make necessary adjustments and test your email delivery to confirm it works perfectly. 

Use a Reliable SMTP Plugin: 

WordPress offers various SMTP plugins, such as “WP Mail SMTP” and “Easy WP SMTP.” These plugins simplify the SMTP configuration process and often resolve issues related to email delivery. Install and configure a trusted SMTP plugin to enhance the reliability of your email system. 

Check for Plugin Conflicts: 

Sometimes, conflicts between WordPress plugins can disrupt email functionality. Deactivate plugins one by one, testing email sending after each deactivation to identify the problematic plugin. Once pinpointing the issue, consider seeking support from the plugin’s developer or finding an alternative. 

Update WordPress and Plugins: 

Outdated WordPress versions and plugins can lead to compatibility issues and email troubles. Ensure that your WordPress core and all installed plugins are up-to-date. Developers release updates to address bugs and improve compatibility, so staying current is essential. 

Examine Your Theme: 

Your WordPress theme can also impact email delivery. Ensure that you are using a well-maintained and updated theme. Outdated or poorly coded themes may interfere with email functionality. Consider switching to a more compatible theme if necessary. 

Test Email Sending: 

After adjusting your settings or plugins, send test emails from your WordPress dashboard to verify the issue is resolved. Monitor these test emails to ensure they reach their intended recipients without problems. 


In website management, email communication is an indispensable bridge between you and your audience. However, frustration can quickly arise when confronted with the perplexing issue of WordPress not sending emails. This comprehensive guide has taken you through the common culprits and solutions, shedding light on the reasons behind this problem and providing practical steps to resolve it. 

We’ve explored server configurations, delving into SMTP settings and hosting provider restrictions, to ensure your email infrastructure is robust and error-free. We’ve investigated potential conflicts among WordPress plugins and themes, urging you to keep your website’s software up-to-date for smoother email functionality. 

On the content front, we’ve emphasized the importance of crafting non-spammy email content, optimizing attachments, and managing your email-sending frequency to steer clear of spam filters and improve email delivery. 

As you navigate the intricate landscape of WordPress email issues, remember that perseverance and attention to detail are your allies. By meticulously examining your settings, plugins, and content, you can overcome the hurdles of email delivery challenges. 

With the solutions in this guide, you can confidently tackle the “Why WordPress Is Not Sending Email” puzzle. As you implement these strategies, you’ll not only resolve current email issues but also ensure reliable and efficient communication from your WordPress website in the future. 

Rest assured that by following these steps and staying vigilant, you can maintain seamless email communication, strengthen your website’s engagement, and enhance your online presence. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Can I Use a Plugin to Fix WordPress Email Sending Issues? 

Several plugins, such as WP Mail SMTP and Easy WP SMTP, can help resolve email-sending problems by configuring SMTP settings.

What Should I Do If My Hosting Provider Has Email Sending Limits?

Contact your hosting provider’s support team to inquire about increasing your email-sending limits or explore premium hosting plans with higher email quotas. 

How Can I Check If My Server’s IP Address Is Blacklisted? 

You can use online tools like MXToolbox or WhatIsMyIPAddress to check if your server’s IP address is blacklisted. If it is, follow the necessary steps to request removal. 

Is it Important to Keep WordPress Themes Updated? 

Updating your themes and plugins is essential for overall website security and functionality, including email sending. 

Can I Send HTML Emails from WordPress? 

You can send HTML emails from WordPress using various plugins and customizing your email templates. 

What Should I Do If My Emails Go to the Spam Folder? 

To avoid emails landing in the spam folder, ensure your emails have valid SPF and DKIM records, and follow best email practices to avoid spammy content. 

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